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SPOTLIGHT: Arwel’s Agri Services

Arwels Agri Team
With a journey spanning 14 years, Arwel's Agri Services, under the leadership of Arwel and Georgina Cornock-Evans, has now proudly taken on the Krone and Fendt dealerships.
Open Day / Diwrnod Agored

On the 13th of September the Carmarthenshire showground was buzzing, showcasing to West Wales some of the best machinery in the country. Arwel’s Agri Services was established 14 years ago and is run in partnership by husband and wife Arwel and Georgina Cornock-Evans. The business is located near Pumsaint, Carmarthenshire on Arwel’s home ground and running a business like this has always been a dream of his ever since his days as a mechanic at Riverlea. The success of the company has resulted in Arwel’s Agri currently employing 14 members of staff who each hold a valuable position within the team, from sales to mechanics to finance to the staff at the stores. 

Ar y 13eg o Fedi, cynhaliwyd Diwrnod Agored ar Faes y Sioe Caerfyrddin, Nantyci a hynny gan gwmni Arwel’s Agri Services. Roedd y diwrnod yn adlewyrchiad arbennig o’r peiriannau mae’r cwmni yn gwerthu a hefyd yn gyfle iddynt i ddiolch i’r cwsmeriaid am eu cymorth. Erbyn hyn mae’r cwmni wedi bodoli ers dros 14 mlynedd ar ôl ei sefydlu gan gwr a gwraig Arwel a Georgina Cornock-Evans. Lleolir Arwel’s Agri ger pentref Pumsaint, Sir Gaerfyrddin a dechreuodd y cyfan ar ôl i Arwel treulio blynyddoedd fel peiriannydd i gwmni Riverlea. Mae llwyddiant y cwmni wedi datblygu yn gyflym ac erbyn hyn mae 14 o bobl yn cael eu cyflogi a phob un ohonynt yn werthfawr i’r tîm.

The Arwels Agri Family

Pictured above: Arwel and Georgina with their two children Trystan and Lynwen during the early days or Arwel’s Agri Services.

How it began / Sut dechreuodd y cwmni

For Arwel’s Agri the business began as McCormick dealers, moving onto selling Vicon followed by the opportunity to take on Krone UK. Recently, they have been excited to announce that they currently own the Fendt dealership for the area and are working to expand the Fendt brand in Pembrokeshire, Carmarthenshire, Ceredigion, Brecon, Swansea and Cardiff. The team are welcoming people to take the opportunity to have one on demo.

I Arwel’s Agri dechrau’r daith oedd gwerthu tractorau McCormick yng Ngorllewin Cymru, yna symud ymlaen ato Vicon cyn cymryd y cyfle i werthu i Krone UK. Yn ddiweddar maent wedi cyhoeddi taw nhw sydd yn gwerthu ar ran Fendt ar draws De a Gorllewin Cymru ac yn gwahodd pobl i fenthyg tractor ar demo.

Suppliers / Cwmnioedd

During the day Arwel and Georgina had the opportunity to thank their customers for their support. They also thanked the team from Krone UK for supplying a forager; Big M and front and back mowers; rakes and tedders, Fendt for supplying some tractors and it was great to see a Fendt Combine and Sprayer at the event. Other companies involved were BvL, Twose, Stewart Trailers, Lemken with a seed drill and plough, Dieci Telehandlers, MDE grabs, Mx, Mayes tyres, TSG slurry stirrers, Sparex and Sealey.

Yn ystod y diwrnod manteisiodd Arwel a Georgina ar y cyfle i ddiolch i’w cwsmeriaid. Buont hefyd yn diolch i’r timoedd o Krone UK a Fendt am ddarparu tractorau ac hefyd i’r cwmnioedd eraill megis Trailers Stewart, BvL, Twose, MX, Mayes, Spares, Sealey, Lemken, Dieci, TSG ac MDE.

Fundraising / Codi Arian

Arwel’s Agri also organised a charity raffle throughout the day supporting the Breast Cancer Care Unit at Prince Phillip Hospital, Llanelli and Prostate Cymru raising a fantastic £2,000.

The main prize was a trip to the Fendt factory in Germany and this was won by Bleddyn Thomas, Llangadog. 

Llwyddodd y digwyddiad i godi £2,000 i’w rhanni rhwng Uned Cancr y Fron yn Ysbyty Llanelli a hefyd Prostate Cymru.

What’s next? / Nesaf

Arwel’s Agri have had a busy summer supporting many agricultural shows and look forward to returning to the Royal Welsh Winter Fair at Builth Wells on the 27th and 28th of November.

Mae Cwmni Arwel’s Agri bellach yn edrych ‘mlaen at fynychu Ffair Aeaf Cymdeithas Amaethyddol Brenhinol Cymru yn Llanelwedd ar Dachwedd 27ain a 28ain.

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